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The Ideal Auto Insurance For Seniors : Behind The Wheel, Beyond The Years

The Ideal Auto Insurance For Seniors : Behind The Wheel, Beyond The Years

The Unique Challenges That Seniors Face When Choosing Auto Insurance

As we age and enjoy the freedom of driving, seniors face some unique considerations and challenges when choosing auto insurance. It is important to understand these challenges to ensure optimal coverage and peace of mind on the road.

  1. Increased Premium:

One of the primary challenges facing senior citizens is the potential increase in auto insurance premiums. Insurance companies often consider age as a risk factor, believing that older drivers may have slower reactions or health problems that could affect driving ability. As a result, seniors may have to pay higher premiums than younger drivers with similar driving records.

  1. Limited Mileage Discount:

Many seniors have retired or reduced their driving frequency. However, some insurance companies may not offer significant discounts for low mileage vehicles, which can be disappointing for seniors who use their vehicles less.

  1. Health Conditions and Driving Ability:

Senior citizens may have certain health conditions or physical limitations that may affect their ability to drive safely. Insurance companies may inquire about these health issues and may require additional documentation or evaluations, which can complicate the insurance application process.

  1. Availability of Senior-Specific Discounts:

Although some insurance providers offer discounts tailored for seniors, not all companies offer these benefits. Senior citizens often have to shop around extensively to find insurers that offer special discounts or benefits for their age group.

  1. Understanding Policy Options:

The complexity of auto insurance policies can be daunting for seniors, especially those who are not familiar with modern insurance terminology or technology. Exploring different policy options and understanding coverage specifics may require additional time and effort.

  1. Navigating Upgrades and Changes:

As seniors age, their driving habits and insurance needs may evolve. Making policy renewals or changes in coverage can be more complicated for seniors, especially if they experience health changes or move.

  1. Balancing Coverage and Affordability:

Seniors often want to balance comprehensive coverage with affordability. Finding the right balance between adequate coverage and manageable premiums can be a delicate task, especially with limited income during retirement.

  1. Dealing with Previous Driving Records:

Accumulated driving history, including past accidents or traffic violations, can affect insurance rates. If seniors have a less than perfect driving record, they may face challenges securing affordable coverage.

Why Seniors Often Require Specialized Auto Insurance Coverage

For senior citizens, finding the right auto insurance coverage becomes especially important due to the various factors that affect driving ability and safety. Let’s take a look at why seniors often need specialized auto insurance coverage tailored to their specific needs:

  1. Changes in Driving Habits and Abilities
    An important reason seniors need special auto insurance is the natural aging process, which can lead to changes in driving habits and abilities. As we age, factors such as declining vision, slower reaction times, and physical limitations can affect our driving skills. This may increase the risk of accidents and increase the need for specific coverage options that address these concerns.
  2. Increased Susceptibility to Accidents
    Statistics show that seniors, especially those aged 65 and older, face a greater risk of being involved in traffic accidents than younger drivers. This increased vulnerability is often caused by factors such as reduced mobility, medical conditions, and overall weakness. Specialized auto insurance can provide additional protection to take these increased risks into account.
  3. Importance of Comprehensive Coverage
    Senior citizens can benefit from comprehensive auto insurance coverage that goes beyond basic liability protection. This may include coverage for medical expenses resulting from accidents, roadside assistance, and coverage for damages caused by uninsured or underinsured motorists. These additional coverages can provide peace of mind and financial security in the event of an unexpected event.
  4. Focus on Affordability
    Affordability is another important factor for seniors when it comes to auto insurance. Many senior citizens are living on fixed incomes, making cost-effective insurance solutions necessary. Specialized insurance options often consider the specific needs of seniors and offer competitive rates that fit their budget.
  5. Customized Policy Features
    Specialized auto insurance for seniors usually includes policy features that specifically meet their needs. This may include flexible payment options, discounts for a safe driving record or completing defensive driving courses, and coverage for adaptive equipment or modifications to vehicles that accommodate physical limitations.
  6. Access to Support Services
    In addition to coverage, specialized auto insurance for seniors can provide access to valuable support services. This can range from 24/7 customer support to resources to navigate the claims process or obtain transportation options if a vehicle is temporarily out of service.
  7. Addressing Unique Risk Factors
    Finally, typical auto insurance takes into account the unique risk factors associated with aging, such as the possibility of a health emergency while driving or the possibility of confusion while driving. Appropriate coverage options can help mitigate these risks and ensure that seniors are adequately protected on the road.

What Are Key Features of Ideal Auto Insurance For Seniors

Key Features of Ideal Auto Insurance For Seniors
  1. Evaluate Your Coverage Needs
    Before finding affordable auto insurance, assess your coverage needs. Consider factors like your driving habits, the value of your vehicle, and your financial situation. Senior citizens drive less often, which may make them eligible for lower mileage discounts. Additionally, if you have an older vehicle, you can opt for liability coverage instead of comprehensive coverage to reduce costs.
  2. Take Advantage of Discounts
    Insurance providers offer various discounts that can significantly reduce premiums for senior citizens. Common discounts include:
    Safe Driver Discount: Seniors with clean driving records may qualify for lower rates.
    Defensive Driving Course: Completing a defensive driving course can not only improve your driving skills but may also make you eligible for discounts.
    Multi-policy discounts: Combining your auto insurance with other policies like homeowners or renters insurance can result in substantial savings.
    Membership discounts: Membership in organizations like AARP or AAA often come with special insurance discounts.
  3. Shop Around
    Don’t settle for the first insurance quote you get. Compare rates from multiple insurance companies to make sure you’re getting the best deal. Online comparison tools can streamline this process, allowing you to quickly evaluate different options based on coverage and affordability.
  4. Opt For Higher Deductibles
    Choosing a higher deductible amount can lower your premium costs. However, make sure to choose a deductible amount that you can comfortably afford in the event of an accident.
  5. Consider Usage-Based or Pay-Per-Mile Insurance
    Some insurers offer usage-based or pay-per-mile insurance plans that may be especially beneficial for seniors who drive occasionally. These plans charge premiums based on actual miles driven, which can result in significant savings for low-mileage drivers.
  6. Review and Update Your Policy Regularly
    As your circumstances change, so should your insurance policy. Review your coverage annually to make sure it still fits your needs and budget. For example, if you recently retired and no longer commute daily, you may be eligible for additional discounts.
  7. Maintain a Good Credit Score
    Insurance companies often use credit scores to determine premiums. Maintaining a good credit score can help you get lower rates.
  8. Get Help From An Independent Agent
    Consulting an independent insurance agent can be invaluable. These professionals can help you navigate the complexities of auto insurance and find policies that fit your specific needs and budget.

Discuss Available Discounts & Incentives For Senior Drivers

Auto insurance providers recognize the experience and responsible nature of senior drivers, often offering attractive discounts to reward their safe driving record and commitment to road safety. If you’re a senior driver and want to optimize your auto insurance coverage while saving on premiums, here’s a comprehensive guide to the available discounts and incentives you can take advantage of in the United States.

  1. Safe Driver Discount
    One of the most common discounts offered to senior drivers is the Safe Driver Discount. Insurance companies appreciate the lower risk associated with experienced drivers who have maintained clean driving records over the years. To qualify for this discount, seniors generally need to have few or no recent accidents or traffic violations. Safe driver criteria can vary between insurers, so it’s important to inquire about specific qualifications when comparing policies.
  2. Mature Driver Training Discount
    Many insurance providers offer discounts to seniors who complete an approved mature driver safety course. These courses are designed to refresh driving skills, update knowledge of road rules and provide strategies for dealing with challenging driving situations that may become more prevalent with age. By successfully completing these courses, seniors can often qualify for discounts on their auto insurance premiums.
  3. Discount on Low Mileage
    Senior citizens who no longer travel regularly or who drive fewer miles each year may be eligible for a low mileage discount. Insurance companies believe that lower mileage is associated with a lower risk of accidents, so they often reward policyholders who drive less with discounted premiums. To qualify for this discount, seniors may need to accurately report their annual benefits to their insurance provider.
  4. Bundling Discount
    Combining multiple insurance policies with the same provider – such as auto insurance and homeowner’s insurance – can often result in significant savings through bundling discounts. Senior citizens who own homes or other properties may benefit from exploring bundled insurance options to maximize their savings.
  5. Discounts on Vehicle Safety Features
    Auto insurance companies often offer discounts to seniors who drive vehicles equipped with certain safety features, such as anti-lock brakes, airbags, adaptive headlights and collision warning systems. These safety features reduce the likelihood of accidents and contribute to overall road safety, making them attractive to insurers when setting premiums.
  6. Affinity Group Discount
    Some insurers offer discounts to seniors who are members of certain organizations or affiliated groups such as AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) or other senior advocacy groups. Membership in these organizations can provide access to special discounts and benefits on many products and services, including auto insurance.
  7. Loyalty Discount
    Being loyal to an insurance provider for many years can sometimes lead to senior citizens waiving loyalty. Insurance companies appreciate long-term customers and may offer lower premiums or special benefits to reward loyalty and encourage retention.

Coverage For Seniors

Essential Coverage Options For Seniors, Including Liability, Collision & Comprehensive Coverage

Essential Coverage Options For Seniors, Including Liability, Collision & Comprehensive Coverage

A major aspect of choosing the ideal auto insurance for senior citizens is understanding and choosing the right coverage options. In this guide, we discuss essential coverage options including liability, collision and comprehensive coverage for senior citizens to ensure peace of mind on the road.
Liability Coverage: Protecting Yourself and Others
Liability coverage is fundamental for all drivers, including senior citizens. This type of coverage helps protect you financially if you are at fault in an accident that injures others or causes property damage. It generally involves two components:
Bodily Injury Liability: This coverage helps pay for medical expenses, rehabilitation and even legal fees if you injure someone else in an accident.
Property Damage Liability: If you damage someone else’s vehicle or property in an accident, this coverage helps cover repair costs or replacement.
For senior citizens, it is important to ensure adequate liability coverage as it protects personal assets and provides financial security in the event of an unfortunate accident.

Collision Coverage: Protecting Your Vehicle
As we age, our reflexes and reaction time can change. Collision coverage is designed to cover the repair or replacement cost of your vehicle if it is damaged in a collision with another vehicle or object, regardless of fault. This coverage may be especially important for seniors who want to protect their vehicle investment and ensure they have reliable transportation.
When considering collision coverage, factors such as the value of your vehicle and your driving habits should be taken into account to determine the optimal deductible and coverage limits.

Comprehensive Coverage: Protection Against Non-Collision Risks
Comprehensive coverage goes beyond collision, providing protection against a range of non-collision risks such as theft, vandalism, fire or natural disasters. This coverage is especially valuable for senior citizens who may park their vehicles at different locations or are concerned about potential damage from unexpected events.
By including comprehensive coverage in your auto insurance policy, you can rest easy knowing that you are protected from various unexpected circumstances that could otherwise be financially burdensome.

Importance of Medical Payments Coverage & Uninsured Motorist Protection

The two essential components of this coverage for seniors are Medical Payments (MedPay) and Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist (UM/UIM) protection. Let’s take a look at why these coverages are so important for senior drivers in the United States.

Medical Payment Coverage (MedPay)
Medical payments coverage, often known as MedPay, is a type of auto insurance that helps pay for medical expenses resulting from a car accident, regardless of who is at fault. For seniors, this coverage may be especially important because of the increased likelihood of injuries that may require medical attention.

Here are the key reasons why Medpay is valuable for senior citizens:

Immediate Medical Coverage: MedPay can provide quick access to funds for medical treatment after an accident, without waiting for a fault determination or dealing with another driver’s insurance.
Supplement to Health Insurance: MedPay can cover deductible, copays or other medical expenses not covered by health insurance, reducing out-of-pocket costs for seniors.
No-Fault Benefits: MedPay is “no-fault” coverage, meaning it pays out without causing an accident. This is especially beneficial in states with complex fault laws or unclear liability cases.
For seniors who may have greater medical needs or face higher health care costs, MedPay can provide peace of mind knowing that medical expenses related to a car accident are covered.

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Protection (UM/UIM)
Uninsured/underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) protection is another important component of auto insurance that seniors should consider. This coverage applies when you are involved in an accident with a driver who either has no insurance or insufficient insurance to cover your damages.

Here’s why UM/UIM protection is important for senior drivers:

Protecting against uninsured drivers: Despite mandatory insurance laws, many drivers on the road remain uninsured. UM coverage ensures that you don’t pay the bill for damages caused by these drivers.
Coverage for underinsured drivers: Even if a driver has insurance, their policy limits may not be enough to cover your medical expenses or vehicle repairs. UM/UIM bridges this gap by providing additional coverage.
Peace of mind: Knowing that you are protected in scenarios involving uninsured or underinsured drivers can reduce the stress and financial worries associated with car accidents.
For senior citizens, who may be more susceptible to injury, having UM/UIM coverage is an essential layer of protection against unexpected incidents on the road.

Adding roadside assistance or rental car coverage.
Having additional features can provide invaluable peace of mind and practical assistance when unexpected situations arise on the road.

Roadside Assistance: A Lifeline On The Go

Roadside Assistance is a supplemental coverage option that can be added to your auto insurance policy to provide assistance when your vehicle breaks down or encounters other problems while on the road. This service typically includes the following benefits:

Towing: If your car becomes inoperable due to a mechanical failure or accident, roadside assistance can cover the cost of towing your vehicle to the nearest repair facility.
Battery jump-start: If your car battery dies, roadside assistance can send someone to jump-start your vehicle so you can get back on your way.
Changing a flat tire: If you have a flat tire, roadside assistance can send someone to replace it with your spare tire.
Fuel Delivery: If you run out of gas, roadside assistance can arrange for fuel to be delivered to your location.
Lockout Services: If you’re accidentally locked out of your vehicle, roadside assistance can dispatch a locksmith to help you regain access.

For senior citizens, getting roadside assistance can be especially beneficial as it provides a safety net in case of emergencies while traveling, especially on long trips or in unfamiliar areas.

Rental Car Coverage: Ensuring Mobility After an Accident

Rental car coverage is another optional feature that can be added to your auto insurance policy. This coverage helps pay for the cost of renting a vehicle if your car is being repaired due to a covered accident. Here’s why it’s worth considering rental car coverage:

Perpetual Mobility: If your car is in the shop for repairs after an accident, rental car coverage ensures that you have access to a temporary replacement vehicle. This is especially important for senior citizens who depend on their vehicles for daily activities and appointments.
Convenience: Instead of worrying about transportation while your car is being repaired, rental car coverage allows you to continue your daily routine without any interruptions.
Cost Savings: Having rental car coverage can save you money on rental fees, as the cost of renting a vehicle can add up quickly, especially for extended repair periods.

How to Add Coverages to Your Policy

To add roadside assistance or rental car coverage to your auto insurance policy, simply contact your insurance provider or agent. They can provide details on the coverage options available, including any associated costs and limitations.
When considering these coverages, be sure to ask about any specific benefits or restrictions that may apply, such as mileage limits for towing or rental car period limits. Tailoring your policy to meet your individual needs as a senior driver is important to ensure you get the right protection on the road.

Importance of Researching & Selecting Reputable Insurance Providers

Choosing the right auto insurance provider is an important decision, especially for senior citizens who want to keep themselves safe on the road. Researching and selecting reputable insurance providers can make a significant difference in ensuring that you get the coverage you need and the support you deserve. Here are some important reasons why this process is important:

  1. Reliability
    Reputable insurance providers have established themselves in the industry through reliability and trustworthiness. They have a track record of settling claims promptly and providing excellent customer service. By choosing such a provider, senior citizens can have peace of mind knowing that their insurer will be there for them when they need assistance.
  2. Tailored Coverage Options
    Researching reputable insurance providers allows seniors to explore a variety of coverage options tailored to their specific needs. These providers often offer special plans designed with seniors in mind, considering factors like reduced driving mileage, unique medical considerations, and more. This ensures that senior citizens receive the most appropriate coverage for their situation.
  3. Financial Stability
    Choosing a reputable insurance company means choosing a company that is financially stable. This stability is important because it reflects the insurer’s ability to meet its financial obligations, especially when it comes to paying claims. Senior citizens can rely on financially strong insurance providers to handle claims efficiently and fairly.
  4. Customer Service
    Reputable insurance providers prioritize excellent customer service. Senior citizens can benefit from dealing with knowledgeable and helpful representatives who understand their specific needs and concerns. Good customer service ensures a seamless experience when purchasing a policy, making changes or filing a claim.
  5. Transparent Policies
    Researching reputable insurance providers helps senior citizens understand their policies better. Reputable insurers offer transparent policies with clear terms and conditions, avoiding hidden fees or surprises. This transparency empowers senior citizens to make informed decisions about their coverage without any confusion or ambiguity.
  6. Access to Discounts and Benefits
    Reputable insurance providers often offer access to discounts and benefits that can help seniors save money. These may include safe driving records, bundling policies, or discounts for attending driver safety courses. Researching different providers helps senior citizens take advantage of such opportunities.

Importance of Checking Customer Reviews & Ratings Before Buying Insurance

Importance of Checking Customer Reviews & Ratings Before Buying Insurance
  1. Real World Experience
    Customer reviews offer genuine accounts of experiences with insurance providers. Senior citizens can benefit from understanding how a company handles claims, customer service interactions and overall satisfaction from fellow policyholders within their age group.
  2. Claims Process
    For senior citizens, a smooth and efficient claim process is essential. Reviews can shed light on how insurers handle claims, especially for older drivers who may have specific needs or concerns during the process. Positive reviews indicating quick and fair claim settlement can be reassuring.
  3. Customer Service Quality
    Seniors often value personalized and attentive customer service. Reviews provide insight into how insurance companies treat their policyholders, especially when seniors need assistance or have inquiries about their coverage.
  4. Senior-Specific Benefits
    Some insurers offer benefits tailored to seniors, such as discounts for safe driving or special coverage options. Reviews can shed light on which companies excel at providing these benefits and whether they are valuable to senior drivers.
  5. Comparative Analysis
    By reviewing multiple customer reviews, seniors can conduct a comparative analysis of different insurers. It helps identify trends, strengths and potential pitfalls among different insurance providers, empowering seniors to make informed decisions.
  6. Long-Term Reliability
    Reliability over time is important for seniors who want stability in their auto insurance. Consistently positive reviews and high ratings can indicate an insurer’s long-term reliability, giving seniors peace of mind that their coverage will be dependable.
  7. Avoiding Dangers
    Negative reviews can serve as a warning, highlighting potential issues that seniors may face with certain insurers. Paying attention to these reviews can help seniors stay away from companies known for poor service, claims disputes, or unexpected premium hikes.

How To Determine Appropriate Coverage Limits & Deductibles

  1. Assess Your Driving Habits & Risk Tolerance
    Start by evaluating how often you drive and the typical distances you travel. Seniors may drive less frequently than younger individuals, which may affect the coverage levels needed.
    Consider your comfort level with taking financial risks. Higher deductibles generally mean lower premiums but you may have to pay more out of pocket in the event of an accident.
  2. Understand The Minimum Requirements & State Laws
    Research the minimum auto insurance requirements in your state. Although meeting these requirements is mandatory, they may not provide adequate coverage, especially for senior citizens who have accumulated assets over the years.
  3. Evaluate The Value of Your Vehicle
    Determine the current value of your vehicle. If it is an older car with a low market value, you can opt for less comprehensive coverage to save on the premium.
    For newer or more valuable vehicles, comprehensive and collision coverage may be necessary to protect against substantial financial losses.
  4. Consider Personal Assets & Financial Situation
    Take stock of your overall financial situation, including retirement savings, investments and assets. The goal is to make sure that your auto insurance coverage adequately protects your property in the event of a lawsuit resulting from a serious accident.
    Senior citizens with significant assets may want to consider higher liability limits to protect against potential lawsuits that could threaten their financial security.
  5. Factor in Health & Medical Coverage
    Evaluate your health insurance coverage. Seniors with comprehensive health insurance may need less personal injury protection (PIP) or medical payments coverage through auto insurance.
    Conversely, if health coverage is limited, it may be important to ensure sufficient PIP coverage to cover medical expenses resulting from an accident.
  6. Get Professional Advice
    Consult an insurance agent or financial advisor specializing in senior insurance needs. They can provide personalized guidance based on your specific circumstances and help you navigate complex coverage options.
  7. Regularly Review & Make Adjustments
    Life circumstances change over time, so it’s important to review your auto insurance coverage annually or after significant life events (e.g., retirement, moving, health changes).
    Adjust coverage limits and deductibles accordingly to make sure they fit your current needs and financial situation.

What is The Best Auto Insurance For Seniors

Our picks for the best auto insurance for seniors

  • Nationwide – Best Rates for Senior Drivers
  • USAA – Best for Military and Veterans
  • Erie – Best for Collision Repair
  • Travelers – Best Rates for Low-Mileage Drivers
  • Auto-Owners – Best Rates for New Cars
  • Geico – Great for Drives With Poor Credit
  • Progressive – Best Rates for Drivers With a DUI

Best Car Insurance Rates for Seniors

We analyzed rates for drivers ages 65 to 80 to determine which companies have the best car insurance rates for seniors.

Nationwide has the cheapest car insurance for seniors at $1,402 per year or $117 per month. Other cheap companies include USAA at an average of $1,455 per year and Travelers at $1,668 per year, according to our analysis.

Best Car Insurance Rates for Seniors

Cheap Car Insurance for Seniors With an At-Fault Accident

Erie is the cheapest company for senior drivers age 70 who buy full coverage car insurance and who have an at-fault accident with injury on their driving records, according to our analysis. Erie’s rates averaged $2,161 per year.

USAA and State Farm are also relatively cheap for 70-year-old senior drivers who have caused an accident with injury.

Having an at-fault accident with an injury on your record raises your rates by 56% on average, according to our analysis.

Cheap Car Insurance for Seniors With an At-Fault Accident

Cheap Car Insurance for Seniors With a Speeding Ticket

USAA offers the cheapest car insurance for 70-year-old seniors with a speeding ticket, averaging $1,764 a year. Erie has the second-cheapest price of $1,841 a year.

Seniors age 70 with a speeding ticket on their driving records will see an increase in car insurance costs of 29% on average, according to our analysis.

Cheap Car Insurance for Seniors With a Speeding Ticket

Cheap Car Insurance for Seniors With a DUI

Progressive has the cheapest average car insurance rate for a 70-year-old driver with a DUI on their record, averaging $2,268 per year.

A DUI is considered a serious offense by auto insurers, so senior drivers with a DUI can expect rates to shoot up. Our analysis found that car insurance rates go up 78% on average for a 70-year-old senior driver who has a DUI conviction.

Cheap Car Insurance for Seniors With a DUI

Why Do Auto Insurance Rates Increase For Seniors?

  • Auto insurance rates increase for seniors because car insurance companies believe that drivers in this age group are more likely to have accidents and file claims.
  • Teens and seniors generally pay more for car insurance than other drivers, all else being equal, when you average auto insurance rates by age. (Note that age is not a factor in determining auto rates in California, Hawaii, and Massachusetts due to state laws.)
  • Auto insurance rates start increasing as you reach age 65. Senior drivers are far more experienced on the road than teenagers, but age-related physical and mental changes can make it more challenging to be a safe driver.
  • The main age-related issues that can cause senior citizens trouble driving include decline in vision and cognitive abilities, muscle disorders and changes in general physical fitness. The drug and its side effects can also increase risk by affecting concentration and impairing driving abilities – and lead to higher insurance claims.
  • Decreased body coordination, flexibility and strength due to aging can affect reaction time, making it more difficult for older drivers to avoid accidents. Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found that as drivers age, the risk of being killed or injured in a traffic accident increases.
  • The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reports that fatal crashes increase significantly among drivers ages 70 to 74 and are highest among drivers 85 and older. The main reason for this is that senior drivers in this age group are at a higher risk of accident injuries, especially chest injuries, and other medical complications. Car insurance claims become more expensive as a result of more serious accidents for older drivers. This makes the rates higher.
  • Even if you’re 75 and a great driver and have no insurance claims, your rates will reflect the claims of other older drivers.
  • Trying to stay in top shape physically and mentally as you age can help. Adjusting your driving habits to remain a safe driver can also help keep your car insurance rates more reasonable.

Tips for Seniors to Save on Auto Insurance

Compare Multiple Quotes

Obtain quotes from different insurers to find the best rates.
The top tip is to shop around with multiple car insurance companies. Each company has its own rating system, and finding the one with the best prices for your specific situation is your goal. Compare car insurance quotes with at least three companies.

Take Advantage of Discounts

Don’t be bashful about contacting your insurance agent or insurer to make certain you’re getting all of the car insurance discounts you’re eligible to receive. Many discounts are automatically applied, like a discount for insuring multiple cars. There may be others available that you’re not aware of, like small discounts for paying in full and going paperless.

Take a Defensive Driving Course

Many car insurance companies will give you a discount if you take an approved defensive driving class. Some states mandate this discount for drivers ages 50 and up as a way to persuade older drivers to sharpen their skills.

Drive Less and Save

If you’re retired, work less or just overall drive less, inform your auto insurance company. Driving your car fewer than a certain number of miles annually can earn you a low-mileage discount.

Maintain a Good Driving Record

Keeping your driving record clear of traffic violations and accidents is an effective way to offset rate increases due to age.

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