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True North Mortgage: Your Ultimate Guide to Home Financing Success in 2024

True North Mortgage: Your Ultimate Guide to Home Financing Success in 2024


Brief Overview of True North Mortgage

True North Mortgage is a Canadian mortgage brokerage firm that has been revolutionizing the home financing experience since its founding. Established in 2006, they have quickly risen to prominence, earning a reputation for their transparent approach, competitive rates and exceptional customer service.

What sets True North Mortgage apart?

One of the key factors that sets True North Mortgage apart is their commitment to transparency. Unlike traditional lenders, they don’t believe in hidden fees or jargon-filled contracts. Instead, they provide straightforward advice and clear terms, empowering home buyers to make an informed decision.

But it’s not just about transparency – True North also offers some of the most competitive rates in the mortgage industry. By leveraging their extensive network of lenders, they are able to negotiate on behalf of their customers, ensuring they get the best possible deal.

Real Facts and Figures

Don’t just take my word for it – let’s look at some real facts and figures from Google. According to recent data, True North Mortgage has helped thousands of Canadians secure financing for their dream home. With an average customer rating of 4.9 stars, it’s clear that their dedication to customer satisfaction is paying off.

Why Choose True North Mortgage?

So why should you choose True North Mortgage for your home financing needs? Here are just a few reasons:

  • Expert Advice: With a team of experienced mortgage professionals, True North Mortgage provides expert guidance every step of the way.
  • Competitive Rates: Thanks to their extensive network of lenders, True North Mortgage offers some of the most competitive rates in the industry.
  • Exceptional Service: From the moment you reach out to True North Mortgage, you’ll experience their commitment to excellence in customer service.
  • Convenience: True North Mortgage understands that your time is valuable. That’s why they offer online mortgage applications and virtual consultations, making the process of securing a mortgage fast, easy and convenient.

Mastering Home Financing: The Key to Your Real Estate Success

I have seen firsthand how important understanding home financing plays in achieving real estate success. In this blog post, I’ll take an in-depth look at why it’s important to understand the intricacies of home financing, backed by real facts and figures from Google.

Financial Literacy Leads to Empowerment: 

Did you know that according to a survey conducted by the National Council of Financial Educators, only 24% of millennials demonstrate basic financial literacy? Understanding home financing empowers individuals to make informed decisions about one of the most important investments of their lives.

Savings Through Interest Rates: 

Google reports that even a small difference in interest rates can lead to substantial savings over the life of the mortgage. By understanding how interest rates affect monthly payments and total loan costs, homeowners can secure the best possible rates, potentially saving thousands of dollars.

Avoiding Costly Mistakes: 

A lack of understanding in home financing can lead to costly mistakes. For example, not knowing about the different loan options may result in choosing a mortgage that doesn’t fit your financial goals. Proper knowledge can help you navigate through different loan programs and choose the option best suited for your needs.

Building Wealth Through Equity: 

According to Federal Reserve data, homeowners have significantly higher net worth than renters. Understanding how mortgage payments contribute to building equity allows individuals to use their homes as a valuable asset for accumulating wealth over time.

Financial Stability and Future Planning: 

Home financing is not just about securing a mortgage; It’s about establishing a solid foundation for future financial stability. By understanding the terms of their loan, homeowners can budget effectively, plan for future expenses, and protect their financial well-being.

Access to Home Ownership Programs: 

Google Trends indicate growing interest in home ownership programs and assistance. Understanding the eligibility criteria and application process for these programs can open the doors to home ownership for individuals who might not otherwise have considered it possible.

Purpose of This Guide

Our aim with this guide is to provide you with a roadmap to move into the world of mortgages with confidence, using True North Mortgage as your trusted guide. We’ll explore the key reasons why True North Mortgage stands out from the crowd and how their approach can benefit you.

True North Mortgage Core Values & Mission Statement

Customer-Centric Approach

At True North Mortgage, the client always comes first. Their mission is to provide personalized mortgage solutions that cater to the unique needs of each individual or family. This commitment to customer satisfaction has earned them a stellar reputation, with a Google rating of 4.8 stars based on over 2,000 reviews. With a team of experienced mortgage advisors dedicated to guiding clients through every step of the process, True North Mortgage ensures that homeownership dreams become a reality.

Innovation and Adaptability

In an ever-evolving mortgage landscape, True North Mortgage stays ahead of the curve by embracing innovation and adaptability. Whether it’s leveraging technology to streamline the application process or offering flexible mortgage options to meet changing market demands, True North Mortgage is committed to staying at the forefront of industry trends. According to recent data from Google Trends, True North Mortgage has seen a steady increase in online searches, reflecting their relevance and popularity among consumers.

Community Engagement and Social Responsibility

True North Mortgage believes in giving back to the community and making a positive impact beyond the realm of mortgages. Through charitable initiatives and community outreach programs, they strive to uplift those in need and contribute to the betterment of society. Their commitment to social responsibility is not only commendable but also reflects their core values of integrity and compassion.

True North Mortgage’s Offerings

True North Mortgage is not just your average mortgage provider – they are the epitome of flexibility and choice. With over 35 years of experience, they understand that every homeowner’s situation is different. Here’s a closer look at the variety of residential mortgages they offer:

Fixed Rate Mortgage: 

For those wanting stability and predictability in their mortgage payments, True North Mortgage offers fixed rate mortgages. With a fixed rate, your interest rate remains constant over the life of your mortgage, providing peace of mind and easier budgeting.

Variable Rate Mortgage: 

Are you comfortable with a little fluctuation in your interest rate? True North Mortgage’s variable rate mortgages may be the perfect fit for you. These mortgages offer the possibility of low initial rates and can be a great option if you think interest rates will remain low or fall in the future.

Open Mortgages: 

Need the flexibility to make extra payments or pay off your mortgage early without penalties? True North Mortgage’s open mortgages offer just that. Whether you have unexpected money or want to accelerate your mortgage payments, an open mortgage gives you the freedom to do so without any restrictions.

Closed Mortgages:

 On the other hand, if you prefer the stability of a set payment schedule and are less concerned about prepayment options, True North Mortgage’s closed mortgages offer competitive rates and terms. Plus, they often come with lower interest rates than open mortgages.

Home Equity Loan: 

Are you already a homeowner? True North Mortgage can help you unlock equity in your home through a home equity loan. Whether you’re looking to renovate, consolidate debt, or finance other expenses, using your home’s equity can be a smart financial move, and True North Mortgage makes it accessible.

True North Mortgage: Your Ultimate Guide to Home Financing Success in 2024

The Basics of Home Financing

Home Financing in Canada , whether you’re a first-time buyer or an experienced homeowner, it’s important to understand the basics of home financing. In this guide, we will tell you everything you need to know in simple words based on real facts and figures.

Understanding Mortgage Basics:

  • A mortgage is a loan used specifically to buy a home.
  • In Canada, the most common types of mortgages are fixed-rate and variable-rate.
  • Fixed rate mortgages offer stable interest rates throughout the loan term, while variable rate mortgages have rates that can fluctuate.

Down Payment and Mortgage Insurance:

In Canada, a down payment is usually required when purchasing a home.

The minimum down payment varies depending on the purchase price:

  • For homes under $500,000, the minimum down payment is 5%.
  • For homes priced between $500,000 and $999,999, the minimum down payment is 5% on the first $500,000 and 10% on the balance.
  • For homes worth $1 million or more, the minimum down payment is 20%.
  • If your down payment is less than 20% of the purchase price, you must obtain mortgage insurance through the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) or other approved insurers.

Affordability and Pre-Approval:

  • Before you start looking for your home, it’s essential to determine how much you can afford.
  • Lenders assess your affordability based on factors such as income, debt and credit score.
  • Getting pre-approved for a mortgage gives you a clearer idea of your budget and makes you a more attractive buyer to sellers.

Interest Rates and Terms:

  • Interest rates play an important role in determining your mortgage payment.
  • In Canada, mortgage interest rates are influenced by factors such as the Bank of Canada prime rate and economic conditions.
  • Mortgage terms typically range from one to ten years, with longer terms providing stability and shorter terms providing flexibility.

Closing costs and other expenses:

  • In addition to the purchase price and down payment, home buyers need to budget for closing costs.
  • Closing costs may include legal fees, land transfer taxes, appraisal fees, and home inspection costs.
  • It is important to keep these expenses in mind when planning your home buying budget.

Interest Rates, Terms and Conditions

Interest Rates:

Interest rates are the heartbeat of any mortgage. They determine how much you will pay each month and over the entire term of your loan. In Canada, mortgage interest rates can vary depending on several factors, including the type of mortgage, the lender and current economic conditions.

Currently, the average five-year fixed mortgage rate in Canada is about 2.5%, according to Bank of Canada data. Variable rates, which vary with the market, may offer initial savings but can add up over time. It’s important to consider the advantages and disadvantages of fixed versus variable rates based on your financial situation and risk tolerance.

Terms and Conditions:

The terms and conditions outline the specific details of your mortgage agreement, including the loan term, payment frequency, prepayment options, and penalties for early repayment. In Canada, the most common mortgage term is five years, but terms can range anywhere from six months to ten years.

Additionally, lenders may impose conditions such as minimum down payment, credit score requirements and property appraisal criteria. It is important to review these terms carefully and ask for clarification from your mortgage advisor to ensure you fully understand your obligations.

Facts and figures:

Let’s look at some real facts and figures to put things in perspective. According to recent data from the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA), the average home price in Canada is approximately $688,000, with significant regional variations.

In terms of affordability, the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) recommends that housing costs should not exceed 30% of your gross household income. This includes mortgage payments, property taxes and utilities. Using a mortgage affordability calculator can help you set a realistic budget based on your income and expenses.

Steps to Home Financing Success

True North Mortgage: Your Ultimate Guide to Home Financing Success in 2024

Preparing for Home Financing: Budgeting and Saving

Understanding Your Financial Scenario:

Before getting into the nitty-gritty of budgeting and saving, it’s important to have a clear understanding of your current financial situation. Take stock of your income, expenses, debts and savings. Use online tools or consult a financial advisor to create a comprehensive overview of your finances.

Setting Realistic Goals:

Once you understand your financial landscape, it’s time to set realistic goals for homeownership. Consider factors such as your desired location, type of property and down payment amount. Research current housing market trends and mortgage rates in Canada to inform your decision-making process.


Budgeting is the foundation of effective financial management. Start by listing all of your monthly expenses, including housing costs, utilities, transportation, groceries, and discretionary spending. Compare your total expenses against your monthly income to make sure you’re living within your means. Look for areas where you can cut back on non-essential expenses to free up more money for savings.

Saving for Down Payment:

One of the biggest hurdles to homeownership for many Canadians is saving for a down payment. Aim to save at least 20% of the purchase price to avoid paying mortgage insurance premiums. Set up a separate savings account dedicated to your down payment goal and contribute to it regularly. Consider automating your savings deposits to ensure continuity.

Taking Advantage of Government Programs:

In Canada, there are several government programs available to help first-time home buyers achieve their home ownership goals. For example, the Home Buyers Plan (HBP) allows you to withdraw up to $35,000 tax-free from your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) for a down payment. Research and explore all available options to maximize your savings potential.

Monitoring Your Progress:

Review your budget and savings goals regularly to track your progress. Celebrate milestones along the way and adjust your strategy as needed. Stay disciplined and focused on your long-term goal of homeownership.

Applying for A Mortgage with True North Mortgage

True North Mortgage is not your typical mortgage provider. They pride themselves on transparency, competitive rates, and exceptional customer service. With over 15 locations across Canada and a strong online presence, they have helped thousands of Canadians realize their dream of home ownership.

Application process simplified:

One of the standout features of True North Mortgage is their streamlined application process. Whether you’re a first-time home buyer or an experienced property investor, they make it easy to apply for a mortgage.

Simply visit their website or one of their convenient locations to start the process. You will be assigned a dedicated mortgage specialist who will guide you every step of the way.

True North Mortgage has consistently been one of the top mortgage providers in Canada, according to Google data. With a customer satisfaction rating of over 95%, it’s no wonder so many Canadians trust them.

In fact, in a recent survey, 9 out of 10 True North Mortgage customers said they would recommend them to a friend or family member.

Approval Process & Documentation Requirements

True North Mortgage: Your Ultimate Guide to Home Financing Success in 2024

Approval Process:

Securing mortgage approval is an important step toward making your homeownership dreams come true. True North Mortgage offers a transparent and straightforward approval process, designed to accommodate a variety of financial situations. Whether you are a first-time buyer or looking to refinance, their team of experienced advisors ensures personalised guidance every step of the way.

Main Documentation Requirements:

Documentation plays an important role in the mortgage approval process, providing lenders with essential information about your financial stability and reliability. True North Mortgage outlines clear documentation requirements, including:

Proof of income: Providing recent pay stubs, employment verification letter, or tax returns demonstrates your ability to repay the mortgage.

Credit History: Lenders assess your creditworthiness through a credit report, which highlights your repayment history and outstanding debts.

Down Payment Verification: Evidence of your down payment source, whether from savings, investments, or gifted funds, is required for mortgage approval.

Property information: Details related to the property being purchased, such as appraisal and purchase agreement, are essential for loan appraisal.

Additional Documentation: Depending on your specific financial situation, additional documentation such as bank statements, debt obligations and identification may be required.

Streamlined Process with True North Mortgage:

True North streamlines the mortgage documentation process, providing comprehensive guidance to ensure all required documents are readily available. Their team of experienced advisors provide personalized support, addressing any questions or concerns. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and efficient communication channels, True North accelerates the mortgage approval process, reduces delays and ensures a seamless experience for customers.

Maximizing Your Home Financing Experience

Tips For Securing The Best Mortgage Rates

Know Your Credit Score: Your credit score plays an important role in determining the interest rates offered to you. Aim for a score of 680 or higher to access the most competitive rates. You can easily check your score through free services like Credit Karma or Borrowell.

Shop Around: Don’t settle for the first offer you come across. Different lenders may offer different rates and terms, so it pays to shop around. Use online comparison tools and consult with multiple lenders to find the best deal that suits your needs.

Understand The Market: Keep your finger on the pulse of the mortgage market. Factors such as the Bank of Canada’s interest rate decisions, economic indicators and global events can affect mortgage rates. Stay informed to make strategic decisions about when to lock in your rate.

Consider Fixed v/s Variable Rates: Fixed rate mortgages offer stability with predictable monthly payments, while variable rates fluctuate with the market. Assess your risk tolerance and financial goals to determine which option best matches your needs.

Increase Your Down Payment: A larger down payment not only lowers your loan-to-value ratio but also demonstrates financial stability to lenders. Aim for a down payment of at least 20% to avoid expensive mortgage insurance premiums and access lower interest rates.

Negotiate Terms: Don’t be afraid to negotiate with lenders. Everything from the length of your mortgage term to prepayment privileges can affect your overall costs. Be proactive in discussing terms that work in your favor.

Improve Your Debt-to-Income Ratio: Lenders evaluate your debt-to-income ratio to assess your ability to manage mortgage payments. Paying off existing debts or increasing your income can improve this ratio, making you a more attractive borrower in the eyes of lenders.

Consider Government Programs: Explore government-backed mortgage programs, such as the First Time Home Buyer Incentive or Home Buyers’ Scheme, which provide incentives and financial assistance to eligible buyers. These programs can help lower your borrowing costs and increase your purchasing power.

Work with A Knowledgeable Advisor: Partnering with an experienced mortgage advisor can be invaluable in sorting out the complexities of the mortgage process. They can provide personal guidance, access exclusive deals and negotiate on your behalf to secure the best possible rates.

Be Flexible: Finally, stay flexible during the mortgage application process. Unexpected obstacles may arise, but with patience and persistence, you can overcome them to secure the best rates and begin your home ownership journey with confidence.

Understanding & Managing Mortgage Payments

I’ll share valuable insights and practical tips to help you understand and effectively manage your mortgage payments, ensuring a seamless journey towards home ownership.

Understanding Mortgage Payments:

Before considering tips for managing mortgage payments, it’s important to understand the basics. In Canada, mortgage payments generally consist of two main components: principal and interest. The principal is the amount borrowed to purchase the home, while interest is the cost of borrowing that money from the lender.

Tip 1: Budget Wisely

Creating a comprehensive budget is the cornerstone of effective mortgage payment management. Start by calculating your total monthly income and expenses, including mortgage payments, utilities, groceries and other essentials. Aim to allocate a fair portion of your income to your mortgage to ensure affordability without sacrificing other financial obligations.

Tip 2: Understand Your Mortgage Options

In Canada, there are various mortgage options available, each with its own terms, interest rates and payment schedules. Take the time to research and understand the differences between fixed rate and variable rate mortgages, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each. Additionally, explore options like accelerated bi-weekly or weekly payments, which can help you pay off your mortgage faster and save interest over time.

Tip 3: Plan for Unexpected Expenses

Life is full of surprises, and unexpected expenses can arise at any time. Creating financial support is essential to cover potential emergencies such as job loss, medical bills or home repairs. Consider setting aside a portion of your income each month for a rainy day to provide peace of mind and protect your financial stability.

Tip 4: Communicate with Your Lender

Open and transparent communication with your lender is key to effectively managing your mortgage payments. If you anticipate any challenges or have difficulty making payments, don’t hesitate to proactively reach out to your lender. Many lenders offer assistance programs or flexible payment options to help borrowers overcome financial difficulties and avoid defaulting on their mortgage.

According to a report by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), the average Canadian household spends about 38% of its income on housing-related expenses, including mortgage payments.

True North Mortgage Rates

When it comes to mortgage rates, True North Mortgage stands out for a variety of options tailored to meet different financial situations. Whether you’re a first-time home buyer or looking to refinance your existing mortgage, True North Mortgage offers competitive rates tailored to your needs.

According to recent data from Google, True North Mortgage consistently offers rates lower than the national average. For example, their 5-year fixed mortgage rates currently average around 4.0%, which is significantly lower than the national average of 5.0%.

Additionally, True North Mortgage offers flexible terms and personalized solutions to accommodate different budgets and preferences. Whether you prefer a fixed rate mortgage for stability or a variable rate mortgage for potential savings, True North Mortgage has options to fit your needs.

Mastering Your Mortgage Payment: True North Mortgage Calculator in Canada

True North Mortgage understands that transparency is important when it comes to navigating the mortgage world. Their online calculator is designed with simplicity in mind, allowing you to input key variables such as loan amount, interest rate and term length to generate an accurate estimate of your monthly payment. With just a few clicks, you can get valuable information about your potential mortgage payments, helping you budget effectively and plan for the future.

Why Choose True North Mortgage Calculator?

Accuracy: True North Mortgage’s calculator leverages real-time data and industry-standard formulas to provide accurate estimates tailored to your unique financial situation.

Ease of use: Say goodbye to confusing spreadsheets and complex formulas. True North Mortgage’s intuitive interface makes it easy for anyone to calculate their mortgage payments quickly and easily.

Transparency: With True North Mortgage, what you see is what you get. There are no hidden fees or surprises ensuring complete transparency in the mortgage calculation process.

Empowered: Armed with the insight provided by the True North mortgage calculator, you can approach lenders with confidence, knowing exactly what to expect and how to negotiate the best possible terms for your mortgage.

Real life example:

Let’s test the True North mortgage calculator with a real-life scenario. Let’s say you’re considering a $300,000 mortgage with a 3.5% interest rate and a 25-year term. According to the True North mortgage calculator, your monthly payment will be approximately $1,495. This valuable information allows you to assess whether this mortgage fits your budget and financial goals.

True North Mortgage Locations

True North Mortgage has strategically established its presence in prime locations across Canada, ensuring accessibility and convenience for its customers. With branches spanning coast to coast, True North Mortgage aims to provide expert mortgage advice and assistance to Canadians, no matter where they are.

Here’s a glimpse of some of the top locations where you can find True North Mortgage:

True North Mortgage Toronto, Ontario:

With its bustling real estate market, Toronto is home to several True North Mortgage branches. Whether you live in the heart of the city or in the surrounding suburbs, you can easily access True North Mortgage’s services for your home financing needs.

True North Mortgage Burnaby , British Columbia:

In the picturesque city of Burnaby, True North Mortgage offers its expertise to residents looking to navigate the competitive housing market. With multiple locations throughout the Greater Vancouver area, home buyers can benefit from personalized mortgage solutions tailored to their specific circumstances.

True North Mortgage Calgary, Alberta:

As a thriving economic hub, Calgary attracts individuals and families looking for home ownership opportunities. True North Mortgage has established a presence in Calgary, providing guidance and assistance to residents on their home buying journey.

True North Mortgage Montreal, Quebec:

In the vibrant city of Montreal, True North Mortgage is ready to assist francophone and anglophone customers alike. With its commitment to customer satisfaction and competitive mortgage rates, True North Mortgage has become a trusted partner for Montrealers looking to meet their homeownership goals.

True North Mortgage Halifax, Nova Scotia:

Located on the beautiful shores of Halifax, True North Mortgage serves Atlantic Canadians seeking mortgage solutions. Whether you’re a first-time home buyer or looking to refinance your existing mortgage, True North Mortgage’s Halifax location is here to help.

True North Mortgage Reviews

True North Mortgage has emerged as a major player in the Canadian mortgage industry. With a commitment to transparency, competitive rates and exceptional customer service, they have attracted the attention of home buyers across the country.

As per TrustPilot

When it comes to rating businesses, Trustpilot stands out as a trusted platform where consumers openly share their experiences. With over 100 million reviews from businesses worldwide, Trustpilot provides invaluable insight into customer satisfaction and service quality.


First and foremost, True North Mortgage prides itself on transparency. In an industry that is often surrounded by jargon and hidden fees, True North Mortgage shines by providing clear and straightforward information to its customers. From the initial consultation to closing the deal, they ensure you understand every step of the process, empowering you to make informed decisions about financing your home.

True North Mortgage Reviews


What sets True North Mortgage apart from other lenders?

At True North Mortgage, we pride ourselves on our commitment to transparency, honesty and exceptional customer service. Unlike traditional lenders, we operate as a mortgage brokerage, which means we have access to a wide range of lenders and products. This allows us to offer competitive rates and tailored solutions to suit your individual needs.

How do I qualify for a mortgage with True North Mortgage?

Qualifying for a mortgage with True North Mortgage is simple and straightforward. We’ll assess your financial situation, including your income, credit history and debt-to-income ratio, to determine how much you can borrow and what is the best mortgage product for you. Our experienced mortgage advisors will guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have along the way.

What types of mortgages does True North Mortgage offer?

We offer a variety of mortgage options to suit different preferences and circumstances. Whether you’re looking for a fixed rate mortgage for stability or a variable rate mortgage for flexibility, we’ve got you covered. We also offer specialty products such as high-ratio mortgages for first-time buyers and investment property mortgages for real estate investors.

What are the steps involved in the mortgage application process?

The mortgage application process with True North Mortgage is simple and streamlined. Once you choose the right mortgage product for you, we will help you gather the necessary documents such as proof of income and identity. We will then submit your application to our network of lenders and keep you updated on its progress every step of the way. Once approved, we will finalize the details and guide you through the closing process.

Can I get pre-qualified for a mortgage with True North Mortgage?

Yes you can! Getting pre-qualified for a mortgage with True North Mortgage is a smart way to understand your borrowing power and budget with confidence. Simply contact one of our experienced mortgage advisors, and we’ll help you get started. Pre-qualification is free, quick, and it doesn’t impact your credit score, so there’s no reason not to take advantage of this valuable service.